It seems that there are a number of people in the Commonwealth Parliament who don’t appear to have read, you know, the foundational document of the Nation that is Australia.
The way things are going i wouldn't be surprised if Ryan turned out to be Nancy Pelosis niece or if Soros was Bowens uncle. BTW there seems to be only one politician in the whole world who is interested in following a constitution and we wish him well for November 5
And 51 (viii): which effectively carves out responsibility (from state responsibility for health) all matters pertaining to the management of pandemics...
Yes, but unfortunately Samuel Griffith didn't draft section 96 to be time limited. And a state government refusing a big bucket of money is as likely as night not following day.
The way things are going i wouldn't be surprised if Ryan turned out to be Nancy Pelosis niece or if Soros was Bowens uncle. BTW there seems to be only one politician in the whole world who is interested in following a constitution and we wish him well for November 5
I wonder if anyone in the parliament can even read, let alone read the constitution.
And 51 (viii): which effectively carves out responsibility (from state responsibility for health) all matters pertaining to the management of pandemics...
I think the "stick to your constitutional powers only" ship sailed long ago.
Yes, but unfortunately Samuel Griffith didn't draft section 96 to be time limited. And a state government refusing a big bucket of money is as likely as night not following day.